Friday, February 28, 2014

Tales from the Darkside Vol. IX's time for another installment!  Lots of questions and observations from Team Darkside as well as some comments from fence sitters.

Anonymous asked:
Hey mama, this is teresa h. Finally getting around to getting my question to u. Feel so honored. Last pic k took in Nashville with caterers her bump was obvious. Do u think she has gotten any bigger? All the tweets coming from nyc are saying people saw her but they are not saying they went up to her or posed for pic with her. She seems to be constantly in transit.

Check out the jacket k is wearing in the Nashville pix with the caterers. Thats rob jacket. Teresa h

Hey Teresa....glad you finally found your way to me on tumblr!  

I agree, you can see a bit of the top of that bump in this pic.  But I have no doubt that the naysayers and haters are still gonna poopoo us...but we will know for certain in time.

At this point in her pregnancy if I'm correct she should be gaining about 1lb per week.  At some point I hope there will be a definitive bump, but who knows?  One of our own Havenette's JMF shared a story about the waitress that they see every week never really showing.  So, though many of us see, I'm not sure if we all will before the baby gets here.  It will solely depend on Kristen and how cooperative she feels like being and whether a lucky photographer (please be a fan! and not a pap) gets the perfect picture at the perfect angle and then we can put the is she or is she not to rest and move the fuck on.

As for the jacket..I agree looks like one of Rob's to me!

Anonymous asked:
Hi I just have a few questions: do u know if k is in NYC? There's no pix . Do u know if k is really filming Still Alice because there seems to be more talk of America Ultra . Why is America ultra so lengthy?

I do believe that Kristen is doing Still Alice, and the signs point to Kristen being in NYC and starting filming next week.   As for more talk about American Ultra some productions are more vocal than others, that doesn't have anything to do with whether one project is happening or not. 

As for why American Ultra is filming over 8 weeks rather than the usual 5/6 weeks of most indie productions, I've discussed that very topic in Tale from the Darkside Vol. VII

Anonymous asked:
I believe k is giving birth somewhere between late April and early may! I believe this is the reason for the very long au shoot. Either she having baby first and then film or film first and then baby. Or film stop have baby then go back to filming. Do u think I could be right?

I touched on this very topic at length and spelled out my beliefs very concisely in Tales from the Darkside Vol. VII 

I personally don't think her giving birth in the middle of filming makes a lot of sense.  I personally believe that she'll give birth prior to filming.  Check out my rational...

Anonymous asked:
All Right mama nails I'll be honest I would love it if Kristen was indeed pattinsonated but she just does not look like it, I mean I definitely see weight gain but the baby bump seems to appear and disappear. I am totally confused.
I can understand the confusion my dear, and I wish I could loan you my eyes so that you can see what I see.  But perhaps some of the observations below can help clarify why you don't always see the bump in every picture.

Anonymous asked:
Teresa Palmer when she was 9 months pregnant, you can still see her bump but barely when she's wearing a baggy jacket like this au(.)eonline(.)com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014028/rs_600x600-140128130540-600(.)Teresa-Palmer-Instagram(.)ms(.)012714(.)jpg Sorry for the brackets, wouldn't let me post a link in an ask, but just remove the brackets and copy and past the URL

Hi my sweet...such a good point!  This pic truly points out how easy it is to hide a baby bump in plain sight; I certainly would not have guessed that she was 9 months in this pic.  & how the angle of the picture makes all the difference into what we can see.  Looking at this picture I could not tell that she was pregnant.  But I do know in fact that she recently gave birth to a baby boy.

I will ask a favor for the future for all that wish to share links to photographs.  I know that tumblr discourages links in asks and makes it impossible but I do have my submit option available, there you can send a link easily.  However if you do forward one through the ask box, it is actually easier for me if you leave a space where the dot should be rather than the bracket.  Thanks for your help, this speeds things up for me greatly!

Anonymous asked:
Hi Mama. Love your blog. Just wanted to make a small observation. The seam running up the middle of that black mini skirt Kristen was wearing in the Rosabotanica photoshoot is following a very interesting line. If she had a totally flat tummy, the seam would be lying straight. Instead, it's distorted in exactly the way you would expect to see, if there was a neat little bump growing behind it.

I believe this is the picture you are referring to my dear.  I applied a two different effects in order to enhance what you are referring to.  Yup...I see the's there plain as day.

Anonymous asked:
Just a statement- Idk, I feel like the universe is telling (Me) that Kristen is pregnant pretty constantly. Do you have the same feeling?

Anonymous asked:
K is definitely pregnant! The haters are ridiculous. Its possible for someone to look pregnant in one photo but no one is going to keep looking consistently pregnant in every photo they take for months. I love your blog mama thanx for everything you do. Do you know if k is really in nyc?

You are so right my sweet!  Just check out the picture above of Teresa Palmer at 9 mos.

As for whether or not Kristen is in NYC...All signs to me point to Yes!
We've had numerous sightings and there have been multiple sightings of signs posted for Still Alice filming to commence.  So yup...I think it's a pretty safe bet that Kristen's been in NYC since she left Nashville (though pretty sure she made a pit top in Toronto for a day or two first!)

I just want to take this opportunity to make sure everyone know who I consider to be haters!  Haters to me are the "fans" that hate Kristen and or Robert.  Those are the haters.  I also refer to the naysayers.  The naysayers are supposed "rk fans" the ones to me that come to me constantly and tell me I'm an idiot/stupid/crazy etc. for believing and blogging about babygate.  Naysayers to me are NOT the ppl that just disagree but go about their days and do their own fangirling and leave those of us that are Team Darkside alone to fangirl in our own way.

I have not one time, gone to a blogger that I know is not a believer and told them that they are an idiot for not believing.  I will never do this and I can only ask that the rest of Team Darkside not stoop to this level.  Time of course will tell if those of us on Team Darkside are vindicated or not.  And we can certainly celebrate the new addition to Rob and Kristen's life when and if we are correct.  At that time it would be really nice if all the naysayers would apologize, but I doubt that they ever will.

As I've said many times, if I turn out to be wrong, I will post that I am wrong.  I will not create an excuse as many want me to.  But the true reason ppl want me to create some elaborate excuse for my being wrong (don't think I am) is so that they can ridicule and mock me.  I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

foreverrkfan asked you:
I wonder if RK have scheduled the baby's delivery date like other celebs do? Given their busy schedules and all ... totally just a thought that popped into my head lol

No actually I don't unless it's been predetermined that Kristen will need a cesarean they just don't seem that kind of high maintenance couple.  I would think that they would want to let nature just do it's thing!

I thought you all might enjoy a bit more baby clothes...

Thanks to the creator


So...there has been a bit of drama in the fandom regarding babygate.  I'm sorry for my part in that but I'm not sorry for blogging about my observations and my beliefs.  I'm sorry that this has made ppl feel like they needed to choose "sides".  That was never part of my plan or what I saw as an outcome of my publishing my "theory"!

I hope that when ppl read my blog that they see someone that sticks to their guns with light hearted humor.  I try to not come across nasty unless it's dished out to me first and then as you know I can come out guns a blazing!

But one thing that I have discovered that truly disappoints me and in some ways my blog and others has put a spotlight on this and I think that this will ultimately be a good thing.  There are ppl that claim to be fans, ppl that have been pointed out to me that have been calling for the TGC for years now that are calling those of us on Team Darkside all kinds of nasty and vile names, not only directly to me in my inbox but going on other blogs and saying just as hurtful things there.  That is what truly makes me sad.  People that are on twitter in particular that are telling ppl who they can and cannot follow.  What they should and should not believe.

The other thing that makes me sad are ppl that think that their way to fangirl is the Right way.  I can tell you right now that there is no Right way to fangirl.  We all do it our own way.  There are those that want to focus on their careers and I say go for it!  I love watching their upcoming projects and am just as anxious to see what movies they both have in the works, as well as the movies that are going to be released over the next year.

But I am just as invested (perhaps overly) in their love story.  I always have and probably always will.  This does not make me a bad fan!  It just makes me what I have always termed an RK fan.

I've been recently introduced to a group of "fans" that think that they are the right kind of fan.  They claim they just want to focus on their careers and leave "gossip/speculation" about their personal lives alone.  I say more power to you!  Go for it.  But...when you lurk on blogs like mine, and HKN and any number of other blogs that do discuss and speculate about RK's personal life and then go back to discuss how much better you all are as fans than you are the highest form of hypocrite in my book!  You are engaging in the very act you condemn us for.  You are gossiping, you are not only gossiping about RK and their personal life by sharing what you see on other blogs, but you are also gossiping about those of us that blog and comment about RK.  And there have been some that have been particularly loathsome in their comments about Verni.  

Verni was kind enough to share her experience watching Kristen direct her first project (to our knowledge) and because she didn't do this the Right way she was condemned for it.  She (gasp) took a few photos!  She dared to comment on "the small bump" and because of that she's deemed a "bad" fan.  Well I'll chime in the rest of the Havenettes...FUCK YOU! You all are no better than the rest of us!  Get off your high horses and look in the mirror.  If you truly are a place of no gossip than stop the gossip.  Stop handing out "awards" to other blogs making fun of them.  To my estimations you are not "fans" at all just hypocritical bullies.

Oh...and for those of you that want to call me a hypocrite.  Just so you know I say this about myself daily.  We are all hypocrites.  I really don't like pap pictures but I like getting pictures of Rob and Kristen.  It's something I constantly struggle with.  I typically don't post pap pictures.  However...I also see a huge difference between pap pictures taken when Rob or Kristen are on set than when they are out and about enjoying their real life.  One I do see as invasive the other I see as promoting their upcoming project.  If the paps would be less stalkerish and invasive I think this would help the whole situation.  But as long as they can make the money they are paid for photos no matter when or where the pictures are taken, they will be taken.  And anyone that says they avoid them 100% of the time is lying.  They are unavoidable.

An anonymous asker just came to me with a comment about another blogger.  I am not naming other bloggers that I choose to no longer follow. I will say I too am disappointed in one particular blogger, not only did she engage in bad mouthing other blogs but she also made derogatory comments about her own followers.  "The Havenettes" know who it is and if you want to check out HKN's blog and read more you are welcome.  Just know that I am a proud "Havenette" this is my home away from home. Those women over there along with HKN are nothing but upbeat and positive.  When trollers come by for a visit we are known to go off, but we as a group steer each other back to the positive.  There have been comments about the fandom drama, that's to be expected and it's been good to vent, which is what I'm doing here.  But I'm not going to give negative sites free publicity.  They'll have to get their hits on their own!
And I end this post with Rob and his new girl....
She's super cute! & It really is too bad that she's being called a heifer!
Thank you to the creator of this gif! It is perfect

Until the next time...
Mama Nails


  1. Awesome!!! You are a great woman and I love you Mama Nails....... Thank you for that.........

  2. Mama...said like a true warrior princess. from one of the loud and proud Havenettes.i love your blog and your upbeat positive take no prisoners attitude and you normally do it with a smile. Keep up the outstanding job.

    Before I forget...I love the kitties and puppies too, mama retriever and her seven week old pups melted me into a puddle.

  3. Welp you said all there needs to be said and hopefully nothing else needs to be said lol.

    Have a good night and lets hope Ginger, or some call her Elsie, gets over her heartbreak of her one day stand with Rob. He just lead her and left her ; ]

  4. Standing ovation for you sweetie!!! I'm so thoroughly disappointed in some people that are in this fandom, but, at the same time, I'm deeply thrilled over people like you. You make my insane world a little bit brighter through your funny and common sense posts. Thank you, Vernier for sticking to your guns and not backing down. And I'm proud to say that I'm a Havenette. Love you bunches, Mama Nails!! XXOO

  5. Thanks mamaN! As you well know, you're my hero!! I love this blog!!!
    (and the white kitten pouncing on the multi-colored toy is absolutely exquisite-- thanks so much for that!!)
    love always,
    your pookie

  6. MN....loved the update. Such a wonderful & wise post. You like a couple of other blogs are surely a voice of reason. You are right....those that hate....consider them above anyone else cause they are the "right" kind of fan....can all just go suck an egg. Put together a piece....that I am sharing here on your blog...kind of sums up for me what I have observed going on the past couple of weeks.....

    A Battle
    There's a battle stirring......
    over who is right or who is wrong.
    So many assuming one thing or another.
    Tabloids ragging to tell their side, give their
    spin on what they think is happening.....
    without waiting for a or getting a confirmation to
    what they think is true or they don't
    want to be left out a so called exclusive.
    Then, you've got others telling everyone who they can
    or cannot follow or better yet what they may or may not say!
    Exciting things are happening......if everyone would just stop
    this battle to see what is before their very eyes.
    So the battle may keeping raging on.....
    only for those who have nothing better to do.
    As for me, there is no battle, only what I firmly believe.
    You can spit fire, stir the pot, but I will not be a part of
    that plan.
    It is as simple as that!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. SlutBell & SlutVee you know I love you!

    To all my other sluts you rock! I really hope no one is offended by being called a slut here! Please feel free to embrace your inner slut! Lol

    Glad you enjoyed felicity!

    Morning Coffee! Thank you! I do not suffer fools; I'm glad it shows. And as for the kitties and the puppies...OMG I just can't resist! Too adorable.

    Gigi & Pookie thank you both for your unwavering support!;)

    Deb!! OMG that poem is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing it. It will be posted on my blog! I just gotta find the right opportunity.


  9. Great post, and I am with you all the way. I am definitely on the Dark Side with you...I love both Rob and Kristen, and I believe they are still together. Please continue with your blog, I love it. I only found it a few weeks ago, and I am delighted to be a part of it.

    Keep up the good work-----Oh, I do believe Kristen is pregnant.

  10. Ummm - why has it taken me so long to get to your blog??? Silly me!
