Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tales from the Darkside Vol. XI

Another drama filled week in the fandom!  

Lots of pictures of both Rob and Kristen and some very interesting pictures of Kristen that some are choosing to be blind to and that is their right, as I say, this blog is for people that choose to read about babygate, so if you are here reading this than that is your choice.  This is my little corner of the fifdom and I can say and post what I wish.  You can choose to agree or disagree, but know that if you don't like what you are reading you are free to go elsewhere. Minions, Sluts and Nails...I had to get that off my chest now lets have some fun shall we!

So let's get started with some questions and comments shall we?:

i just want to tell you that the picture that show very well she is pregnant from New York filming alice is the one she has the little skirt on coming down the stairs and the wind blow on her. you can see perfectly her belly[beauty perfection] i m a 73 years old and i love Kristen like she is one of my grand-daughter [i have 5 beauties 6 with Kristen,her beautiful face her sweetness her mannerism her acting she is a great person i can tell just looking at her[he is ok]

First I just have to say that I love that Kristen and Rob fans come in all ages! And I have a lot of followers that are in their 70s and I'm ecstatic that you all are seeing what I'm seeing and you have the experience to back up what you are talking thank you for coming by and sharing your love for Kristen.

Ok, that pix did it! I am officially off the fence! Not sure about the timing because that bump is small but undeniable! But to me it looks high rather than low so maybe a girl? Thanks for all your posts! sent in on 3/5/14

WooHoo!! So glad you got off that fence...I bet it was starting to get uncomfortable. LOL

I mean that fence was a little crowded, but I think it's getting better.  Maybe a little bit more breathing room for some.

I think the costumers are doing a great job with at least this costume to conceal the bump.  Notice all the lines that you have here.  The line of the skirt and the light gray shirt, and then the line above that with the red sweater.  This is all to draw your attention away from the obvious bump below which is only obvious if you are not distracted by all the other lines.
Look at all the lines here, the top of her "jeans" the skin, the white shirt and the black shirt...Kristen has certainly learned the art of concealment.  At least from untrained eyes.  Can't believe how many times I heard ppl say...
"but she's showing her belly, she'd never do that if she was actually pregnant." 
 You know what I think. If it wasn't for the crazy nut jobs that are constantly threatening Kristen, along with the asshats that are looking for the money shot...that frankly they got right here but were too stupid and blind to see it, I think Kristen would be walking around in her normal uniform (well as normal as she can do right now) with her belly out and proud and I bet when she's at home she's not trying to hide it and cover it up.
And upon closer inspection, you can see the obvious bump over her button.  Now some would call this a food baby.  And as a not so proud owner of a food baby..I can tell you that ain't no food baby.  A food baby is not taut it is more mushy if you have one you know the difference.  LOL
Hi,I just wanted to tell you that you are really awesome and I love your posts and that even my grandma that can't see very well can see that lovely bump. There's saying (at least in my country) that says that when a woman is pregnant with a girl they suck in their mother's beauty, since Kristen looks more beautiful than ever maybe it's a boy ;), whether it's a boy or a girl the only thing that matters is that it will be a healthy baby and very loved

13shadesofivy   just wanna share an (also) old wives tale in the Philippines.. :) when a pregnant woman is glowing, she is carrying a girl and if she looks unusually haggard or tired during pregnancy, she is carrying a boy.. but my imagination always insists on a little rob for their eldest.. as charming and handsome as his dad. ~wink~

Mama..i luv u.. i luv that cute little bump of my baby..jst guessing it is a boy.. :)

Lol...we have sayings from some countries that point to girls and we have sayings from others that point to boys and we have ppl just guessing. I too am just guessing and mine's not so much as a guess as much as a hope and that is that it's a girl.

I have people that think she's carrying high and that means one thing, people saying she's carrying low and that means another and people saying if you carry like a basketball all out in front that means a boy and if you are carrying more like I frankly think Kristen is carrying, more in your back and butt that that means a girl.  I find it all fun and harmless to speculate and one thing is for sure...they will have a girl or a boy.  So glad there aren't any other options.

For some reason the idea of their first child being a girl tickles me.  First it's just desserts for Rob and his comments from Breaking Dawn Part2 when he whined that girls just listen to their mothers.  This would just crack me up.  And I think that that little girl would have Rob wrapped around her tiny finger in about two seconds flat!  LOL

Also, I just love the idea of Kristen dressing a little girl just the way she dresses.  But it would also be funny if her little girl turned out to be a little princess wanting to wear cute little dresses all the time rather than jeans, t-shirts and converse.  

Am I the only one who noticed that Rob is always smiling in the pics from the set of LIFE? Maybe because he's about to become a daddy for the first time? ;) In my opinion the pictures from the set of Still Alice are just confirming it! I'm so happy for them! And btw, I totally LOVE your blog, I check it like twenty times everyday, you're awesome! (English is not my mother language so I'm sorry if there are some errors)

No my dear you are not the only one. He has seemed extremely happy on this shoot, I think he's normally a pretty happy guy, but I think he's been glowing about just as much as Kristen has lately!

She reminds me of jodie foster when jodie was pregnant while filming panic room. :)

Hey, Didn't Kristen say In an interview that it's hard for her to gain weight, could you find it & post it please?! Thanks.
 shared those excerpts from that interview here in 

Kristen said she wouldn't give her babies name during BD2 promo a lot can change so nobody knows what RK will do

I just want to clarify this anon... I think you mean that she won't publicly share her baby's name for the longest time and yes she did say that and we'll see if she decides to live by that statement. We say a lot of things before they actually become reality, but this also wouldn't surprise me that she would keep this information private for a long as she possibly can. 

Why was Kristen not wearing the ring in the pics of her leaving set on March 5? ... your take married or not married

And really, I don't know why she wasn't wearing it, there could be 1000 reasons and as for whether or not they are married I think that they could be.  I like that idea anyway.

yes...I know this is "bella and edward" but Kristen and Rob looks so beautiful this day, during this scene in the movie.  I will say this, if they are married, they didn't have a wedding like Edward and Bella, they just don't seem the type!  LOL

Naysayers get touchy about K's body in this "is there a bump?" watch, but how often can they honestly say they haven't commented on other celeb pregnancy gossip? OR specifically in this fandom, how often have they blown up hq photos of Kristen examining her body and talking about her *omg* legs/butt/boobs? Is that not disrespectful? I know that talk would make me more uncomfortable if I overheard myself being discussed like that. Being outraged about this theory is incredibly hypocritical, imo.

I've dubbed these people the HTT's the Holier than Thous!  This is their new tactic whether hater or naysayer.  They are giving me grief for what the majority many of them included have been doing for years.
Check out this link that I posted today on my blog.
There are bloggers that have been going on about her robust butt and the stewbies (the fandom nickname for her breast) for years and yet now they have the gall to tell my that I'm being invasive.  Well as I've been saying FUCK THEM they can get off their high horses and admit they've been playing in here with the rest of us!
 they all want to pretend that they are this little guy...

I can think of only one blogger that I know that has actively fought against other bloggers that post pictures of Kristen's butt and make comments of it and I give her all the credit in the world for fighting a losing battle.  As soon as Rob commented on Kristen's robust butt in the Twilight Commentary and Booobbbs in the Eclipse Commentary, the battle was lost.
Hey there, I've been reading your theory lately, I heard about it on twitter and wanted to check it out for myself. I guess some stuff can be pretty convincing and I get why many of you think that K is pregnant and that is your right. But I don't understand why you call some people fake fans or haters just because they believe that K isn't pregnant and defend their points of view about it. I mean you guys have been defending your theory too ! Why all the fighting ? It's leading to nothing !

If you have actually been catching up on my theory on my blog then you should also see that I only defend myself and defend my theory when I'm forced to defend it. The naysayers and haters are coming to ME...not the other way around. They are choosing to seek ME out and other like-minded bloggers and fans. 

I don't go to bloggers that I know don't agree with me and try to shove babygate down their throats. I and my Sluts, Minions and Nails discuss this here on my blog and I am also a proud Havenette over at HKN's blog. 

We try to keep our discussions of babygate light and fun because for us, we are excited about the new addition to Rob and Kristen's family. And we choose to share in that joy together.

But other's have made it their life's mission to come to me and challenge my theory. They literally have to come to my blog and hit the link to my ask box in order to make comments or ask questions and challenge me. So, yes, I defend my theory and honestly I have to say it's been the naysayers and the haters that have put babygate on the map. If they had never challenged me, it would have never become what it's become.

I truly believe that if not for them the babygate contingent would have been a small and fairly quiet fringe of the fandom. 

So I agree with your sentiment about the fighting.  But you see I'm not fighting I'm defending and I'm defending on my own turf.  And trust me when I say that there's been many vile things that have hit my inbox that I have just discarded, because they are not worth my time and attention.  But when I have felt the need as you have said, I will defend my position.  I'm just curious, those on they naysayers side...what do they feel that they need to defend?  Who's attacking them?  As I've said, I've fought back when attacked, but I've never taken the fight to them, so why do they feel the need to defend themselves.  What's that saying???? Oh yeah!!
perhaps they "doth protest too much!"

The haters and the naysayers have done a very good job of painting themselves as the victim.  I give them credit, it's a very talented skill they have but I don't buy their "innocent" act because I've been witness to their methods upfront and personal.

My peeps libvy reminded me of this song the other day and I just have to say that this has always been one of my favorite songs since I heard it and is very fitting with how I am feeling right now regarding the naysayers and the haters. Enjoy!
So I was having a conversation with Tracybell the other day regarding the haters and what's been going on with them lately.  Especially in light of the people that have been coming to me "begging" me to stop.  Some of these beggars I believe are just haters pretending to be "fans" others I do believe are part of the new HTT's contingent of the naysayers which I believe is just a new tactic that these people have chosen to use to attack me so that they are coming off as the reasoned and mature fans.  They are trying to be seen as the "right" kind of fan.  Sorry...getting off topic here...LOL

Well...anyway back to the
Tracybell and I agree that the haters are going through the stages of Grief.

Rob and Kristen broke up the PR contract has ended...whoohoo....let us celebrate!

Fuck you bitches, they are not back together, Rob would never do that to us, you are a fucking bitch....
Please for all that is holy...stop what you are doing...please...



Not sure that are haters are ever going to get to the last stages...we'll just have to stay posted.

This ended up being a huge I'll end with this!

I truly believe a picture like this is not too far off in the future!

We have some fucking talented people in this fandom 
by Juliet-M [please don’t remove the credit]

Until next time! Mama


  1. Thank you to the nth power!! I love every word and picture. What really bothers me, now more than ever, are the HTT's. They have done the same thing we are doing, but they chose to attack us. I would think they'd prefer to see happy, positive comments about R&K as opposed to hate. But, in the end, the only thing that will matter is the truth. Spring is coming and it's going to be fabulous. Love you!! XXOO

  2. Ha ha ha - excellent!!!! Haters are just of no use to anyone ��

  3. Bravo to you once again on your post, i love going what you do fantastic you have made my day as HKN did the other day when i read her blog, i love reading both your blogs i appauld you both for the pictures and the

  4. Great Job!!! You hit a grand slam with this post!!! Keep up the good work....those bitter bitches, naysayers, the haters, & all the others can just kiss our grits!! Tired of their flipping holier than thou attitude.....SMH Just stick a fork in me as I am just done with their bull shit. Tired of tipping toeing they are the "right" fan & the rest of us are not. I don't go around bashing, mocking, or calling them names.
    And....if these are not together....why is she wearing his clothes & yes damn't she is........why is he wearing those shoes she bought him......why are their friends chatting back & forth on IG.......if they have truly parted & moved on....I want them to explain all that away.....oh that is right....they can't.....the signs are screaming like a neon sign......they are so blinded by that forest of hatred to actually what the trees are telling everyone. Sucks that their ears have gone deaf & their eyes are blind.....Lord......I could say more.....but I need to stop.......just know that I love you, your blog, and I & my lovely monkeys are always ready to come to your aid! You MN.....R*O*C*K!!!!!

  5. Well You did it again!!! love it!!! it is off the chain great!!!!!!! Love you Mama Nails.......

  6. Hello Mama and all followers of this blog. I am new to the blog but not new to the fandom. I also follow HKN and other positive (only) sites.
    The ongoing issue is only an issue for those who do not believe that Kristen is pregnant.
    I will never understand those who come to a pro blog just to pic an argument or to post their spiteful vitriol. To me it proves beyond a shadow of doubt that those who do this are either young and immature or totally un-evolved an cannot stand the thought of others holding a differing opinion. Whatever... they are to be ignored for the most part!
    My personal belief is strong when it comes to Rob and Kristen... I have watched them since 2008 and been witness to their deep and abiding love and support for each other. I have also seen the many invasive posts of those who have never believed (for whatever their reasons) on the pro blogs I follow and support. For many of them, it is some kind of game... for others... it is simply the need to say black if you say white!

    Whatever... I will continue to support and believe because these eyes of mine have never... (I repeat) NEVER seen anything which proves that Rob and Kristen are not together and I discount stupid rags/tabs/magazines with their glaring headlines & manufactured reports about any kind of split... After all they are simply aimed at garnering $$$$ without even an element of truth!

    I look forward to seeing Rob and Kristen in the future with their little one and hold nothing but positive thoughts and beliefs for them in their private lives and their work lives. (I am really looking forward to viewing their latest movies which they are currently working on)!!
    Cheers Chrissie

  7. Well Mama Nails
    You are the Master and I'm the young Padawan lol. Pretty fucking masterful post. Especially loved the song, grief chart, denial and acceptance photo lol. The sad thing about that photo is they really will only have themselves to hug because they will have no one around to hug lol and the anger photo was kinda creepy but unfortunately true!

    Love how you defend yourself and love how you love Rob and Kristen!

  8. Oh my number one slut....I bow to your wisdom and wit. What a lovely smackdown you deliver. I was just thinking....smell the smoke? If This was Twilight reality the way so many of the HTT's and Haters are pretending....Then they would surely have to be the Jessica Stanley's and Lauren Mallory's of the fandom. I rest my case...carry on.

  9. Well I original started to think K was with child when I saw the Sils Maria Swim pics - About a month. So i would figure sometime in June. AND peeps around this fandom are pretty blind or very inexperienced when it comes to being pregnant. Unless you've had a kid....I just don't think you completely understand - and thats fine. Some people have to experience something to understand. Look - I think she is. And I hope I'm right. If I'm not, it would not be the first time the fandom thought she could be....BUT the first time I've ever thought it this long. LOL
