Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tales from the DarkSide Vol. V

So my dear sweet Verni posted a comment to me on HKN's blog the other night and is allowing me to share this with the rest of you.

1st picture shown to doctor with Kristen's face Hidden
Mama Nails they (her daughters) have been lurking on your blog and love it. They both work at Vanderbilt in the pharmacy here in Nashville and they lurk even at work when time permits.  Them and others love HKN and SRWN. They love the positivity and the upbeat banter.

My daughter Paula said she showed K's pic to one of the doctors there and he said, "When is she due?"

He also said she looks to be about seven or eight months pregnant, that this could be true for a woman with such a tiny frame.  But of course you would have to do an exam to be certain. Everybody is different.  Then they showed him her face and he said they got him.  But in his opinion she is pregnant! WhooHoo!!!!! 

Posted by Verni on HKN on Januray 12, 2014

These are more of the pictures that her daughter showed the doctor. There are a few pap pictures but because Kristen was technically working I don't feel as bad for posting them, though you know normally I don't.

So for all that have been poopooing me for saying that I think she's 7mos give or take a few weeks...this is all I have to say!

Sorry...I couldn't resist!
Did anyone else read Kristen's interview with Elle France?
Specifically this part?

A diet plan to keep a slim waist?
I can eat five cheeseburgers in a week! I'm lucky, I don't really need to think about my weight. But, before a movie, I try to eat a little better and healthier. I love cooking: I'm doing the best quinoa with coconut milk instead of water, mango and coriander. Crunchy and soft at the same time.

What's your fitness routine?
I do not have a trainer, but I should! I love running, swimming, skateboarding and biking, or take a walk with my dog. I'm fortunate to live in California where there are many pretty outdoor places, it bothers me to train in the gym. But sometimes I have to, like before the Snow White filming: I knew I was not going to stop running, I did not want to make everyone wait until I catch my breath! I exercised every day in L.A. with a trainer who kicked my ass, I was in a very good shape.

I think this goes in the category of things that make you go hmmmmmm........


  1. YESSSSSSSSSS! I also love the last pictures of her going to a meeting. She has big boobs and it looks like her hips are spreading. I really love these two as a couple and I hope they last "forever." I've also learned a lot from Kristen just by reading her quotes. She says things that everyone could and even should incorporate in their lives. She has a great attitude about life and what she wants, especially for someone so young.

  2. you just have a way of making me SMILE!!!!!!! Was this the "secret" you had to see if it was o.k. to print? You are the best!!!!

  3. Love it but we all knew it lol. It is good to be validated amongst all the naysayers. Thank you for your blog even when you are busy and life is crazy.

  4. Thank you for the comments ladies!!

    Nancy... Not a secret but I did want to verify with Verni before I posted. Lol

    Debbie... You are sooo right about those hips! Teehee!

    Tracy, I realize that I'm preaching to the choir for the most part but there are some doubters still coming to me, especially now that I've turned my anon back on on tumblr. (All your fault lol!!!). ;)))

  5. New to your blog! but luv it, luv it and luv it!! So excited, hope you're all correct. A beautiful women with drop dead gorgeous man who loves her to the ends of the Earth, should and deserve this to happen. I have said for years to my hubby " such beauty should create more beauty, WOW LET IT BE SO! Bless them both

  6. Welcome silvermau! I agree wholeheartedly! If you or anyone else wants to see more on babygate you can checkout my tumblr blog and go to the babygate link there.

  7. Debbie b. thank you for answering me so quickly. I have believed she was pregnant since sils Maria but no one believed me. I love your blog and on days when I am really down you have helped so much. I have fibromyalgia and it can be difficult. Thanks for all you do!
