Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Plot Thickens....

Hello there anon....This is an interesting twist to the could be on to something
But a few things to clear up.  I'm not sure where you are from.  I know that healthcare works differently in other countries so that's why I mention this.

Personally, I don't remember anything about K having a hospital bracelet on around that time.  Does anyone remember this?  Are there pics out there somewhere?  Help a girl out.  LOL
  1. If Kristen was just going to the doctor for a simple blood test and doctors visit it would be unlikely that she would go to the hospital.  Here in the US doctors visits are done at a doctors office.  It's a simple appointment no drama really.  ppl go to the doctor all the time so there really wouldn't need to be a distraction.
  2. Hell, if I'm right she's been going to the doctor a lot since you typically see your ob/gyn once a month during your pregnancy and even more frequently the closer you are to delivery.  And we've see no evidence or hint of this so far.  Damn those ninjas!
  3. As for the bracelet, if this is true than it was more serious.  You don't get a bracelet from the hospital unless you are admitted.  Which means that there's something that is not going right.  I was at the emergency room about 3 years ago and even then I didn't get a bracelet.  If they had decided that I needed to stay overnight at that time I would have gotten one.
We all know that there are ton of complications with pregnancy, so it could very well be that K had to be in the hospital for any number of reasons, honestly it might not have even been pregnancy related.  But if in fact K had been in the hospital and Rob wanted to be able to see her without the normal drama and they wanted to keep it underwraps him visiting the children was a very good idea!  Genius in fact.  
I will forever be greatful if there's any truth to this theory that K seems to be doing great and seems very healthy!

Hi anon....LOL
I'm with you...don't get too excited, I fully admit that I still may be writing an elaborate rpf plot.  But the more I look at the pictures from Chanel the more I think I'm right.  I'm keeping this drama off tumblr for the most part, since there are ppl there that I know and love that don't like the drama.  So this gives them the opportunity to skip it if they choose to.  

I will say this though!
I will NEVER refer to any child from RK as the golden child!

Whenever they do have a child, it will be a gorgeous HUMAN child not some mythical creature.  I will never put any more upon that poor child's shoulders than they are already have to deal with from this fandom that follows their poor parents around.  

Please...please don't do this to the poor kid.  His/Her parents are the celebrites, not the baby!


something that i have to get off my chest!

I've seen several comments going around regarding these theories from ppl that disagree.  None of them have been directed at me specifically but because I have been discussing this I want to clear up a few things about where I stand.

  1. First and foremost...I could be wrong and I've said if from the get go.  I'm prepared to have egg on my face.   LOL
  2. Kristen is not FAT!  I've never said this, I've never implied this! She is fucking gorgeous at all times!
Just because I think she's pregnant doesn't mean I think she's fat.  I do question an actress in her position gaining weight prior to a major announcement regarding being the face of a fashion line the likes of Chanel, especially an actress that we've known throughout the years to be thin sometimes in my opinion too thin. An actress that back in July just a little over 5 mos. ago was super super skinny!  This does not mean I think she's fat, it makes me suspicious.  It makes me think that things don't add up...hence my theory.

It's sad to me that there are ppl out there that equate pregnancy with being fat!  I am not one of them.  They are two different states of being!

I also laugh at the theory that her weight gain is attributed to Sils.  I've seen the postings that say they wanted her to gain weight for the role, but this is just from bloggers.  I've never seen anything from these bloggers where they show the source of this information.  So if someone can show me the source for this I'll go with it to a degree.

But...K's been back home from shooting Sils for about two months.  Knowing Kristen the way most of us know Kristen,  being obssessed with her the way we all are, we know that she's an active girl, we know that she's naturally thin, so how come she's put more weight on...up to a point I was going with the normal changes that women's bodies go through as we move beyond our early twenties, but Kristen's still there and these changes are too dramatic over too short of time to be the normal maturing process.  

Again...endorsement deals like the one K has with Chanel do not happen over night.  This has been in the works for months.  Probably prior or coinciding with her appearance at the Chanel Fashion show in Paris this summer.  If she could have lost the weight she would have!  

As for K's outfit at the Chanel event.  I just have to say that I think Tara is a fucking genius.  That outfit did exactly what it needed to do.  For some it threw them off the scent if they were sniffing around and for others it just confirmed to them that there's no way Kristen could be pregnant when she wore an outfit that exposed her belly.

But then there's me and the other peeps I've been talking to and dammit, I guess we are just a wee bit more perceptive.  
(or seeing what we want to see)

I laugh at the idea of Kristen having worn her ususal short tight mini dress to that event.  I feel certain that there would be no doubt in anyones mind if that had been the case.  Because an outfit like that would have told us everything we need to know.

I believe that we will know for sure by Sundance.

If my estimations are correct I think she's going to have a very hard time hiding it at that time unless she is so bundled up and never takes off her coat.  LOL

time will tell!


  1. I love your website. Anyway, in response to the hospital and wrist band, well I was hurt at work and had to go in for x-rays. When they finished filling out the paper work they put a wrist band on me. I was joking about it and the person said it was procedure. Well, in x-ray there's also sonograms, ultrasounds... know what I mean. I brought this up because I too forgot to take it off and only remembered when I got home. Also, I too have read about her having to gain weight for Sils from Hollywood Life (or lies as Gossip Cop likes to call them). I just thought that you would like to know they do give out bracelets when getting any kind of x-ray. If she were having an ultrasound I'm sure Rob would want to be there, just saying....

  2. So, she was in the hospital on Dec. 18, 2013, and the pic of him taken in London at a X-mas party was on 12/22/13. Maybe he just wanted her checked out before he left town. Does anyone know if she had a caesarian or regular delivery?

  3. Not certain of the date she would have been in the hospital. (Dec. 14th?) Early December a picture of her in the hospital. See post above.
