Thursday, December 12, 2013

RPF plotline or have I stumbled across the truth?

So, this is either a very elaborate RK rpf plotline or....the truth.

time will be the ultimate judge.

So, I've been having discussions with several peeps over the last several months as soon as the rumors started that Kristen might be pregnant.

After another blogger posted this, I was skeptical.  Very skeptical.

Over the last several months, I have been YES!  it's true to NO way, not true at ALL!

The first time I had a hint of a yes, was when we got the pictures from Sils Maria.  You all know the ones I'm talking about.  The skinny dipping pictures.

There seemed to be something going on with Kristen's belly in those pictures.  But after discussing it with others, I dismissed it (somewhat) and went with a combo of optical illusion (the fit of the underwear) and maybe she had gained a bit of weight (not much, but a bit).

So, skip ahead to the night of Kristen's coming out as the new face of Chanel.

My initial reaction to all to this pic and the rest, was...well that's it she's not pregnant.  

But then I started having conversations again, even had a few anon's come and ask me about this on my tumblr blog.  I joked it off, but could not let it go.  

So here I go again into the fire, please don't hurt me too much for those that disagree.  I fully admit that I might just be writing an elaborate rpf plotline, but I see glimmers of truth here.

So here we go....

First, let's take a step back in time.  Let's go back to July, when Kristen was in Paris, for PFW and attended the Chanel Fashion Show.

I think this was Kristen's original coming out as the new face of Chanel.  They were probably already in negociations for her contract.  This is Kristen the way we know her.  Honestly, even a bit skinnier than normal. 
 I rememeber thinking that back in July.

I also have to point out, that here, pretty sure she's not wearing a bra and she's got practically NO boob.

Here's Kristen showing off her mid section as she's heading off to film for the day on the set of Camp X-Ray.

Mid July

Again...Kristen on the set of Sils Maria

mid september...

And now....

Notice how her arms are covering her mid section....coincidence? Maybe!

Noticeable lack of bra.

Now...thanks to twitter here's a compelation over the last several months.

I think you have to also look at her in the Chanel outfit from PFW since she's not wearing a bra there.  Bra's are deceptive.  Women can wear padded bras to look bigger or minimizers to look smaller.  I can't imagine that back in July, Kristen would wear a minimizer.  

But now, we can see a significant size difference to her breasts.

Some will say, she's just got a healthy appetite, she's gained a bit of weight, it's the fit of the pants, I've heard it all.

I'm not buying it.  You can SEEE the difference.  And Kristen knows the deal in HW and in the fashion industry.  She is not going to add that much weight that would make her breast noticiebly larger when she is negociating a contract to be the face of Chanel.  NO actress would without a damn good reason.  Kristen has always been skinny, sometimes skinny/fat, but this is not her typical skinny/fat, this is solid weight gain that is starting to have a definitive shape.

But you all say, there's now way she could be 5/6/7 mos pregnant.  I'm leaning toward 6-7mos along at this point.
(especially, if she's gonna start filming American Ultra in April)

Here are some pics of some women that are 5mos pregnant.
She's 5mos pregnant with TWINS! You can barely tell!

 Before and at 5mos.
5mos. side and front view.

So at Kristen's size it's easy to see that she could easily be 6-7mos.  I would think that in the Sils Maria pics she was somewhere around 3mos.  That was in September, so that woud put her right around 6mos at this point.

I've also thought about the TATTOO!

This tattoo has been quite the bone of contention within the fandom.  Some hate it, some love it, (I don't care one way or the other!) 
 But one thing, there has been talk, talk talk 
About the damn tattoo.  And interestly, we have seen this tattoo in 99.9% of the pics we've had of Kristen since she's been back in the states from shooting the movies where she was originally seen sporting it

Presumably a trait of her character in the movie.
But none the less, Kristen has been sporting it ever since.  

hmmmm, real tattoo?  or just a convenient distraction?  
Or a bit of both!
time will tell!

I will say this whether it's a month from now or years from now, if Kristen and Rob have a boy, I'm pretty sure it will be Kristen throwing the football, not Rob....muahahahaha

(let the hate mail and comments, commense.)


  1. You're a brave woman, putting this out there. :)

  2. i don't know... wouldn't rob be with her and don't leave her side if she were pregnant? maaannnn it's so counfusing don't know what to believe *sigh*

    1. yes I think that, I think rob cant be a bad man to leave his girlfriend pregnant in this holidays and partying every time.... but it is so confusing......

    2. I think partying is stretching it. Rob is spending time with family and friends we've only gotten a glimpse of him since he's been in London so let's not get carried away and jugde him too harshly.

      His life is changing on a few months time and his ability to spend time with family and friends across the pond will be greatly reduced!

      So I can't begrudge the man this time!

    3. He may have went to talk to his parents and family about what was happening. Wasn't Twigs at a Christmas party with him in Dec. 2013.? Seems like I remember a party picture with her there. The reason I remember it was because there were only two people smiling in the pic. Rob and another guy. The rest were not looking happy at all.

  3.'m a little afraid, but so far, skay....

  4. @DarkSoul89...she's pregnant not on her death bed. LOL...If I'm right, then Rob's life is going to change significantly, this is probably his last chance to go to London for an extended period of time, hang out with his friends and family. We'll have to see where Kristen is headed after she finishes up with her current Chanel obligations. Trust me, this wasn't something that I came up with over night, it's been months in the making....muahahahahaha....

  5. I been thinking the same as you for months,see her getting biger boobs and and a little bit of tummy, she looks cuter BTW, i would be happy for them.. and (Haters to the left)

  6. @mama nail i konow she s not on her death bed ^^ and you're right about him...i've realized too that her boobs has gottem biger but i thought nothing about it couse in some older pctures she had big boobs too but when i looked on the picture above from the chale event i realize that she has a little bump and that she's no wearng a bra...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Her boobs have constantly looked different sizes depending on the bra she's wearing, the tell tale that got me was the pic in Paris with no bra compared to the other night with no bra...huge difference. Even with the weight gain I doubt her boobs would get that much bigger.

    Also it was pointed out and this is the perfect description that the skin on her belly is really tight. again, typically with your average weight gain your skin doesn't look tight especially when there are no ab muscules in sight. LOL

    Oh's not like Kristen is likely to make a statement or release a press release, so we will be left to wonder until it's so obvious we can't deny it anymore. one way or the other.

    1. That's probably true. I noticed that after Twilight wrapped and they had their last Comic Con 2013 interviews, Kristen's chest looked bigger. She had a white cropped top and yellow slim skirt on. comic-con-2012-twilight-panel1.jpg I don't know what month it was. She looks curvier than normal. It's not unusual for someone thin to not look that big but only slightly thicker. Medically they say most people start to look pregnant at 6 months. Also, by wearing a bra it would make your abdomen stick out a little more. I think in that picture with the cropped top and rust pants the whole outfit distributes the weight more evenly without a bra and with a loser waist.

    2. All Rob and Kristen's appearance prior to December, they look really happy together. This is Christmas 2013 I believe. The only 2 people smiling in the pic are Rob and the guy he's talking to. Everyone else looks dismal. She may have been showing by then.

  8. the time will tell and now i'll look closeron her tummy when a i see a new pic on her ^^

  9. I just don't think she is pregnant. This is just my opinion. I hope the tatoo is not real too. I love this girl, she is strong, smart, talented and has her beautiful head screwed on right. We will just have to wait and see. I think they are still together and always have. Just gone underground to get their lives bac. I wish them great happiness and success.

  10. Bravo. Nicely done. I see we think along the same lines. I have many many comparison pics. And oh my - we have some of the same ones. I think you are right in line with the truth. And if peeps can't see it by now they are in complete denial. I mean sheesh....sorry - the face of a new line of clothing such as CHANEL would not gain weight for the big announcement. You can bet she would have been RIGHT back in shape. Especially if it was weight gained "for a movie role" as some tabs nicely put out there. Hmmm...RK plot...yes. Byt RK.


  12. FODAM-SE vcs... quero ver quando a verdade aparecer sobre a kristen estar gravida ai vcs vão dizer q sabiam suas nosten

  13. Those pregnant women (at least the first one) are anorexic... I don't think kristen is...but time will tell.

  14. Aiii torcendo pra que seja vdd quero ver esse baby. Que mesmo não sendo criado pra isso vai esfregar na cara de tds que tdas essa mentiras que contam dele é somente isso mentira.
    E provar que o amor é capaz de lutar contra td e se formar na coisa mais linda que é um filho.
    Eu acho que dessa vez é vdd são mtos indicios
