Monday, December 30, 2013

The Plot Thickens....Literally!

So...I'm just hanging out with a friend this afternoon, minding my own business watching a movie and my phone blows up!

What is blowing up my phone you ask?  Peeps wanting to know if I have seen 

This Picture!

(and her boobs! huge!!)
had to add this pic!
All I have to say is if you still can't SEE it than you really are blind!

 I have seen the picture. You all know that I don't really like to post pap pictures, but I could not resist posting this one. 

From my understanding the toids are claiming that the pic was taken this weekend on the 28 or the 29th...but we got pics on Saturday that at first everyone thought were taken on Saturday and then it was revealed they were taken on the 23rd...but really?, really?  are we gonna believe what the toids tell us.  I'm personally just believing what I'm seeing with my eyes and there is not doubt that there is a baby bump under that t-shirt.

And yes, I am more than a little crazy, so absolutely no judging on my part! 

That picture is just perfect.  First she's beautiful, just like she always is!  But there really is no hiding that bump!  

Is it bad that I just want to do this!

And to all that think K is NOT on IOW right now...take off your blinders and realize that RK have been using the toids and the paps for months now.  Whether this started out intentional or not it is obvious to me that they have used them to remain under cover for as long as possible and give them a chance to come out the way they want to with this news.  We can never believe anything they have been trying to shove down our throat for years now.  But that bump doesn't lie and that bump is going to be a reality very soon. That bump does not say "broken-up" to me, that bump says they are more together than ever!


  1. I wish you were right.
    Well, we'll see at the Camp X-Ray premiere...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't understand?! can someone translate for me?

    2. I think she said she thinks the same but she will wait!

  3. Just discovered your blog, and I have to agree with a lot of your theories. Looking forward to the next few months and your new posts!

    1. thank you! I will do my best as long as RK are cooperative! but make sure you are also checking out my above. I usually post several times a day there. even if it's just pretty pics

  4. Just found your blog and your twitter account. Looking forward to the next post.

  5. Mama Nails, I agree with you 100%. I showed my sister the pic without showing her Kristen's face and asked her what she saw. She looked at it for a few seconds and said 'a baby bump'. Would like to see a sneaky cell phone pic from a fan sometime on New Years Day :)

    1. I KNOW...interesting how everyone saw it in these pics but not at the Chanel event. I truly believe that these pics were take right around the same time. I bet she looks even bigger now!

      One little fan pic would make my day!

  6. BRAVO!! GREAT POST!!! And so true, so true. Sometimes, people cannot see the forest for the trees :)

  7. Great post. I knew it. I knew we were right. I can't wait to see k again in a non papas pic. Rob must be walking on air!

  8. I usually stay out of speculation such as this but...
    I saw a video at that Chanel event of Kristen that leaves no doubt in my mind that she is pregnant. In the video it appears that she is talking to a woman sitting next to her and saying "How did you know?" and the woman looks down, makes some type of gesture with her arms and says "Your bump".

  9. Second Chance...Did you see the discussion of this on my tumblr? If not your timing is impeccable! Thanks for this, we've all been wondering what was going on! LOL
